Sunday, July 1, 2012

Day at the Lake

We are having such a fun summer.  Isabelle, James, Robert, and I packed a lunch (and got sandwiches from Subway) and took all our stuff to the park in Windsor.  They loved it.  I sat on the "beach" front and made friends with Monique, and fed my family lunch, relaxed and watched them swim in the lake.  Had a fabulous day at the park.
Look at me MOM

Isabelle wanted to go out in the deep; James close to the shore.

I'm Superman!!
My wonderful husband and kids.  I love them.

Isabelle is the most adorable little girl ever.  She looks at me and say, "Mom, you're beautiful, I love to look at you." She loves to dance, and sings all day long.  She made a wonderful 3 page treasure hunt that we all went on today, and then they went swimming.

James is my sweet little boy.  He loves telling jokes at the dinner table.  He has to be busy all the day.  He still loves Scooby Doo, and loves to wear a cape and pretend he is scrappy doo."puppy power" And "James Power".  He loves to snuggle, and read books.  His favorite song is popcorn popping, and he loves to dance. He loves to laugh, and he loves to play.  He also can through a good fit.  LOL 

My children make life more enjoyable than I could ever have imagined.

1 comment:

Eva said...

Linda, I think you're beautiful too. And I love to look at you, too. =D What a sweet comment!