Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mommy's little girl

I wanted to blog a little about Isabelle.  She is the most beautiful, helpful, kind and obedient little girl I know.  She love to dress up, and she loves to have her picture taken.  She is kind to her brother, and helps him with everything.  She does what she is asked to do, with the exception of cleaning where she would rather be grounded to her room and get deathly ill when asked to clean.  She love to learn, and is memorizing her addition and subtraction facts, reads really well (like Dr. Seuss books), and really likes to do experiments.  Isabelle prefers to be called Isabelle Grace McCleary, but she's ok if I call her Isa.  She likes to dance, and loves to meet new people.  Her favorite games are "What's in the Cat's hat" (similar to 20 questions), and "Curious George Hide and Seek Zoo" (where you actually get to play hide and seek and wear masks as part of the game).  Her favorite colors are pink and blue, and all the colors of the rainbow.  If she was a superhero, she would be a "good" one that makes cities for everyone to live.  She loves pasta with lemon, lime, and parmesan cheese, and doesn't really like chocolate.  She loves to read me books, and snuggle me at night.  She is a joy and a blessing.  I love her.

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