Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Aquarium Day

We got to go back to the aquarium and take Kirsten.  I had a 2, a 3, and a 4 year old at the aquarium.  They did a great job, and we had a good time.  Isabelle got to feed a fish that spits water at the insects, knocking them into the water so they can eat them.  She was a little nervous, but loved it.  The other kids didn't want to pet the rays, or feed them, but they all got a face painting, and soda.  They all loved the 4D ride, and the otters.  Another fun day at the Aquarium.

Isabelle loves the aquarium

Kisten navigating the ship

Jimmy Joe

She loves the fish

happy boy

Oh my she was in awe at the divers cleaning the large tanks

The divers were washing the glass with the sharks.

My little beauty.

Kirsten trying to climb the barnicles

This diver signed with Isabelle, and spent time playing. 

Watching the tigers

They all drew the sharks.

Playing the drums

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