Thursday, March 22, 2012

I'm Tired

I'm Tired.  I say this because I've been chasing James around all day.  First we went to the skate park, at the "giant" park, and rode out scooter and bike.  James wanted to climb and slide on the skating apparatus, throw his bike, toss the scooter at Isabelle, run away from Mother, jump into the "swimming pool", and hide under the picnic table so he didn't have to get his diaper changed.  We finally left, with him screaming that he didn't want to ride his bike, and he didn't want to go home!!!!  When I asked what he wanted to do, he screamed louder.  WE TOOK A NAP!!!  Well, I didn't, but he did.  Isabelle and I read a book together, began her spelling activities, and she played on the computer.  I did dishes, and then gladly took a break when Beverly called.  James was more playful and fun after his nap, and we packed up and went to Aunt Bev's to play with Kirsten.  They had a great time ... Bev's is beautiful in March (It's beautiful anytime of the year).  Joslyn and Ethan came home from school, and I baked them all cookies.  I convinced them to say I was their favorite aunt by bribing them with cookies, but they continued to insist that ALL their aunts were favorites.  Oh well.  Alana woke up, so we went outside and took pictures of the kids.  When Bev got home, I went and got Bobby from work, cleaned up my mess at the church,  and cooked dinner.  My wonderful husband then told me to take a break:  a large hot relaxing bath.  What a peach he is.

1 comment:

Jana Sorensen said...

Love this post. you are doing such a great job at keeping up. when you decide to do something, you sure decide to do and do it right! i love that about you. the kids are wonderful. they tell you all their aunts are their favorite because they just didn't want to hurt your feelings, when they know that I am their favorite. although you are really creeping in there fast with your wonderfullness and being there all the time. I can maybe still be the favorite to your kids, since your not their aunt :) Love you.