Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Mommy's little boy

I love to talk about James.  We call him Jimmy Joe, and he is a sweet heart.  He still loves to snuggle with Mommy, and adores his Dad.  If he can hit it, jump on it, tackle it, bite it, or scare it, he loves it!  Jimmy Joe likes to pretend he is a monster or dragon and locks Isabelle (the princess) away in the castle.  He, the dragon, then guards the castle so no one can rescue the princess.  He loves to sword fight (yes, I got them plastic swords just for these occasions) the prince (Daddy), or queen (Mommy) when they come to rescue Princess Isabelle.  He loves to tell his one knock knock joke, "knock knock; who's there; cookie; cookie who; MONSTER!!"  He will repeat it over and over again until you have to beg him to stop.  He likes to ride his bike, and jump on the trampoline.  James spends quite a bit more time in "time out" than I would like.  He doesn't say 'NO" as much any more, now it's, "I DON'T THINK SO MOM!!"  Which I don't have the initial ahhhhhh reaction to as NO, but still ends him in trouble.  James is determined to not take naps, and I'm winning the battle.  He cries, but if I get him to stay still for just a few minutes he sleeps.  Jimmy Joe loves to help me with everything, especially if he gets to climb up on something, make a mess, or I'm using a knife.  He is a runner, dancer, and loves to play the piano.  He is also my artist.  He even makes pictures that look like what he's drawing (that's better than me).  He also likes to write on walls, floors, himself -- using many mediums:  eggs, pen, marker, crayon, watermelon, anything really.  When he gets in trouble, he will cry, say he's sorry, and when I ask him if he's going to do it again he'll say, "Yes Mom, isn't it beautiful."   I'm happy he's such and honest kid.  He loves to pray, and go to his nursery class.  He is my wonderful little boy, and I am blessed to be his Mom.

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